The purpose of content marketing is to create and share relevant written, downloadable, and visual media so your target audience can learn about your brand, expertise, and products or services. Content marketing statistics inform your strategy and provide insight into the ways other content marketers are solving the pain points of their target audience and generating leads. This will allow you to determine which techniques will work best for your business, customers, and leads.
Pro Tip: Upon downloading HubSpot's free Market Research Kit, you'll receive editable templates for each of the given parts of the kit as well as instructions on how to use the templates and kit, and a mock presentation that you can edit and customize.
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Preposterously addictive and blessed with some of the catchiest music in gaming, RotMG is a twin-stick shooter and massively multiplayer (co-operative) RPG that caused massive drops in productivity in the Macworld offices one Christmas. You can play in the browser or download it on Steam; either way the game is free. David Price
But you can't just turn on your computer (or gaming system) and start streaming. The software isn't built into Windows, Mac, or any other operating systems. If you are serious about streaming, you first need to download suitable streaming software. This post analyzes what we believe to be the best streaming software available in 2023, both free versions and paid software with additional ease-of-use and features.
vMix is high-end live production and streaming software for your PC. You can use it to stream to virtually any streaming provider, including Facebook Live, Twitch, and YouTube. It comes in five versions, from a free Basic pack (allowing four inputs, one overlay channel, and a maximum resolution of 768 x576) to a $1200 Pro version (allowing 1000 inputs, four overlay channels, a maximum resolution of 4096x2160, 4-camera instant replays, and many more features). vMix suggests you first download their free 60-day trial, test it, and then ask yourself questions regarding the exact features you use in practice. At this point, you can decide which plan most suits your needs.
Pricing is often part of the market and competitive analysis sections but sometimes brands discuss it separately. It depends on how important price considerations are for your business and how competitive your market is. For example, if a major advantage in your business is that your product is priced significantly lower than your competition then a pricing strategy will play a key role in your marketing plan.
Crello has a similar interface to Canva, with a quick search bar to locate thousands of templates and preset dimensions for specific designs like Facebook posts. Crello offers a free plan like Canva, but you are limited to five design downloads per month. You can add objects, set color palettes with the branding kit, and drag-and-drop items like objects and text boxes anywhere you want in the design module.
Specialized apps are also available for remote viewing of medical imaging scans.10 Mobile MIM is a free app for the iPad and iPhone, approved by the Food and Drug Administration, that allows remote viewing of x-rays and imaging scans when users cannot access imaging workstations.6 This software works with a paid subscription or pay-per-use plan using MIMCloud, a HIPAA-compliant server that allows users to store and share medical images.6 Images can be downloaded from the cloud and viewed with the MIMViewer paid app in any setting, whether during discussions with team members or patients.6